The Sumter County Sun from Livingston, Alabama (2024)

Don't Buy Whiskey Made to GENERAL STATE NEWS. BUY THE ORIGINAL J. nUrl I liifiA I I ft A From Current News Garnered as It Falls the Plant of Report. Si Hiii Hin, ii, rn RILL QUARTS ff 4 Robbed and Thrown in the River. Lanett, Ala.

-Will Gaines, the son of a prominent farmer living near here, was held up and robbed by an unknown negro. The young man was out on hid father's farm, and his first knowledge of the negro's presence was when he was halted an covered with a pistol. The negro was masked. After relieving young Gaines of his knife and watch the negro blindfolded him and led him to the bank of" the Chattahoochee river. Before the young man was aware of his whereabouts he was pushed off the bank into the river.

He was almost drowned before he could remove the bandage from his eyes and get out of the water. Searching parties have been out atl day, and two negroes are now under arrest! Both of them were relieved of gun3 by the posse, and they will be held pending further developments. EXPRESS PAID Thought to Be Murdered. Tuscaloosa, Ala What seems to be cne of the most atrccious murders ever committed in this vicinity hap-lened here Thursday night, in which A. Lindgren was the unfortunate victim.

Mr. Lindgren failed to return home Thursday night, and as a result of an early search for him in the morning his horse and buggy were found down near the river bridge. Here was also Young Lady Kills Lover and Self." Huntsville, Ala, H. A. Ballard, ft young employe of the Merrimac Maau-facturing Company, was shot and fatally wounded by Miss Oma Harding, who then turned the weapon upon herself and fired a bullet through her heart She died instantly.

The tragedy occurred on the front porch of the boarding house of Mrs. A. Wheeler, where Ballard had lodgings. Miss Harding went to (Pocket Corkscrew and'Giass Free.) Put up in either 4, 6, 8 or 12 Full Quart Cases, Plain Packages. NO MARKS TO DENOTE CONTENTS.

We GVAR.ANTEE ABSOLUTE Supremacy OVER. ALL Competitors. While some ADVERTISE OWNING Distilleries, WE DON'T but are SOLE DISTRIBUTORS in the South for the LARGEST DISTILLERS IN AMERICA. Prompt Shipments. Quick Delivery.

HOLBERG MERCANTILE "The Big Mail Ordkr House," 50, 52 and 54 South Water Street found his hat, coat and the latter being empty. It seems that he had carried a friend of bis across ths river about dark, and the supposition is that on his return he was attacked on the bridge and murdered. Mr. Lindgren's body has not been found as yet, and it is thought that it Mayor and Aldermen Appointed. Courtland, Ala The governor has appointed a mayor and four aldermen fbr the town of Command, which does I not have to be done with any other town in the state.

The act by which this duty is placed upon the executive was passed by the legislature or lauu. The officers named were C. M. Sher-rod, mayor; R. H.

Tweedy, A. F. Reb-man, E. V. Chardavoyne and R.

N. Harris, aldermen. MOBILE, ALA. was thrown into the river. His coat, when discovered, had several bullet holes In it, and one or two slight blocd stains were visible, One theory is that a negro, who had just been convicted of a theft from Mr.

Lindgren and who has the reputation of being a bad character, waylaid tim in a spirit of revenge. This theory is supported in the report that this negro has disappeared. The general belief is, however, that robbery was the motive of the attack, as it is understood that Mr. Lindgren had a considerable sum of money about him. 56 anb 58 Main STREET.

Cincinnati. Ohio Par Send Orders to Nearest Point. the house and sent word for Ballard to come down. He came to the front door, and she opened fire on him with a 32-calibre pistol, the first shot passing into his left breast at the nipple. He turned and ran through the hall, another shot being fired at him, and fell in the kitchen.

-The woman then shot herself and fell dead on the po'ch. Ballard has not been allowed to fcnike a statement yet, and nobody has been found who knows anything about the cause of the tragedy. The principals have been going together for some time, and it is presumed that it was the outcome of a lovers' quarrel. Miss Harding was an operative in the tuill of the Merrimack Company and was one of the belles of the village. She was about 21 years old, and came here a.

year ago from some town in Tennessee. Miss Harding came to Huntsville that morning, and it is supposed that she bought the pistol. She boarded a car in town and went straight to the young man's boarding house in Merri- RlECfc. Ballard died from the wound Inflicted by Miss Harding after being taken to the hospital. He was unconscious of the time.

The chief of police received a message from Bristol, signed by Mrs. J. 1. Cox, inquiring about the tragedy and saying Ballard is a nephew of Governor Cox, of Tennessee. SCO.

march McDonald Opera House for Decatur. Decatur, Ala. Work will soon start on the new $20,000 opera house in New Decatur, almost all the money subscribed having been paid in. The building will be of brick and stone of odern design, and the stage will be on the ground floor. At the present time the Decaturs have no opera house at all, and a play house is badly needed for the amusem*nt loving Southern Fish and Oyster Co.

Wholesale Dealers and Shippers of All Varieties of Fish and Oysters! Freight Wreck Occurs. Selma, Ala. Freight train No. fi7 on the Southern was wrecked on the Headquarters for Mo in 11 ments and Headstones. long approach of the bridge over the i Tombigbee river just east of Demopo- lis.

It is thought that an axle on one of the box cars broke and caused the break in the bridge, through which seven freight cars went. It was also imported that a negro was killed, but the report cannot be confirmed. The tiaffic of the road was interrupted Call on Admiral Schley. Mobile, Ala. The members of th Raphael Semms camp, United Confederate Veterans, clad In their uniform of gray and carrying an old bat-tlr.

flap- rrpntlv rpturned to them by We are the leading shippers of the CELEBRATED MOBILE OYSTERS. Depots: 6, 8 and 10 Church St. Postoffice Box 331, EDWARD GRANT, President and General Manager. lor several hours and the mail nn aa. niiral and Mrs.

Schley and paid their At Manufacturers Prices from Meridian had to be carried around by Akron, but it is thought that the bridge will be repaired so thai west-bound trains can go over it this r.flernoon. respects. In behalf of the camp Hon. O. J.

Semms, son of Admiral Semms, piesented the admiral with a magnificent thirty-second degree Masonic jewel. Improvements at Decatur. Decatur, Ala. Improvements to the extent of $15,000 or more will be made at once on the Louisville and Nash-ille railroad shops in New Decatur. We are also Dealers in New Show Yard Next Door to Southern Express Company MOBILE, ALA.

Officer is Arrested. Huntsville, Ala. Deputy Sheriff McClelland, of Houston, was ar--f'Eted here late night ou a Hunting for Indian Relics. Tuscaloosa, Ala. A party of mem- l.orc rf (1m Ph i la rtplnhia Arfldpmv of tne contract having been given toj Charlie Jones, of New Pccatur.

The i principal building will be a pattern Whiskies, Wines, Gins, Brandies, Etc. At 69 Wtex MOBILE, ALA, two-story structure of brick j-harS of attempted kidnapping, after B(ience are ow engaged in a general shop, a the numerous Indian -I Z- exploration of Ul Liita LllV. lilt; ItTAttS U1U mounds down at Moundville, Ala. This 100 by 60 feet. There will also be fciade other improvements on these shops.

The New Decatur shops are now and rave been for some time the greatest shops of the Louisville and Nashville system, and these additional exten cer came here yesterday with a warrant for Ed Vining. who is wanted in Houston fcr burglarv. Will Vining was taken up and the visiting officer claimed that he is the man. Requisition papers had been secured in advance and Deputy Mc- All claims for deduction must be made within 24 hours. PARTRIDGE ALEXANDER Wholesale Dealers in sions will make of them one of the; pintpst rflili'nafl shnrvs in thp T'nited party, which travels about in a private steamboat, "The Gopher," is making an extensive tour of the country, but have perhaps been more successful in their finds of Indian relics here at Moundville than most anywhere else, as this was once quite a celebrated Indian settlement.

Mr. James A. Anderson, one of the officers of the Alabama geological survey, has been down once or twice to aid the party in determining on the best mounds to extensively explore. Mr. Anderson being quite familiar with this field of relics.

JUNGER 6 GASS CO. Pianos Organs and Music, Mandolins, Violins, Guitars, Victor Talking Machines anC records. SPECIAL AGENTS FOE Leading Pianos and Organs of the United States. States. Work on these additions will was.

makinS arrangements to nn ami will bp m.shpd i wlth hls prisoner when the rela- tives of Vining got together and ap to completion. S. E. Corner Dsoiphin and Joachim Streeti. Mobile.

Alsbsms. plied for a writ of habeas corpus. McClelland made another attempt to catch a train out of Huntsville. Constable Ware! balke.l his game by arresting him on a warrant charging kidnapping. McClelland stated that he was acting on legal advice and would willingly go to jail if necessary, but as a courtesy to his office he was allowed to spend the night under in the office of Sheriff Rodgers.

Survivors of Shiloh. Birmingham. Ala. Survivors of the battle cf Shiloh. which was forghl on April 6 and 7, 1862, met Thursday In the city hall and recited experiences of the great conflict.

Both Federal and Confederate veterans gathered, Making Transcripts in Case. Anniston. Ala. In the office of the federal clerk transcripts are being prepared in the cases of T. G.

Bush et trustees of the- Southern Car and Foundry Company. These cases were up in the federal court in November, and were dismissed on motion, Judge Toulmin holding that he was without Jurisdiction. The cases are to be argued on appeal before the United States supreme court. In the case against J. M.

Elliott. the amount Involved is $130,000. In the cas? against the Elliott Car Company the amount claimed is $100,000. Northern, Western and Country Produce and Fruits. Nos.

100 and 102 North Water Street. Mobile, j0 Alabama. Consignments of Country Produce Solicited. STAR OYSTER FISH CO. JULIUS E.

PEREZ, Manager WHOLESALE RETAIL DEALERS SHIPPERS. Shipping Department: Foot Palmetto River Front. ana a number of interesting speeches were made. Capt. Thomas W.

Hutf- i man presided at the meeting. An or- I ganization will be perfected in Ala- bam a of survivors cf the battle. The Alabama Fish Oyster Co, B. DAVES, Manager. WHOLESALE OYSTERS and FISH Dealers.

1 1 0 Soulh Commerce Mobile Dies Frcm Burns. Hurt in Mines. Birmingham. Ala. Walter Page, employed at the Raymond ere mines, twelve miles south of the city, es-rrped death by a miracle.

A car 3f ere got loose on the incline and dashed tack into the mine. Tage was in the vv.y. but managed tt step aside as the car passed. The car was smashed to P'eres at the end of the journey and i'agc was covered with ore. One of his ribs was broken and he was other-v ise painfully injured, though not fata II v.

Negro Capture-) Near Opelika. Opelika. Ala Ned Thurman. a ne-cro. supposed to be the one who blindfolded, bound and robbed Willie Gaines, a white citizen, and afterwards threw him into the river near Mobile.

Ala Mrs. M. H. Tucker, residing five miles west of the city at Cottage Hill, died from the effects of burns received from cluthir catching Are while she was burning trash. READ THIS; West Poi and BtTKOPKAN PLAN 1,00 to AMERICAN PLAN $2.50 to 94.00 Building More Sidetrack.

Ensley, Ala. The Southern Railway' has built one mile and a half of additional sidetrack at Ensley among the steel Industries, in order to have bet- Serious Accident. Troy. Ala. A young man by the name of Jim Brooks, who works at the veneering factory here, met with a very serions accident.

The machinery uuu vjoccis ia mure regular, ana we seldom disap- judge Appointed. point our customers, which is a great big item in this busi- Enterprise. h. Biackman, a ness' hence our prices are much cheaper in the long run. lawyer of Enterprise, was yesterday named bv Governor Jelks as judge of OUR SPECIAI.TY the coffee county court to succeed Mobile Extra Plants Oysters Mobile Straights Oysters Hon.

J. F. Sanders, who sent his res- Regular 44 i i i 2 isnation to the executive department Select Oysten verai days ago. Extra Selects Blue Points in Shell Write for Pricei MOniT.T- aT.H ter facilities for handling the immense that he was managing got clogged, and Elegant and Spacious Dining Rooms THE SOUTHERN HOTEL tonnage at that pomr. The traffic fur am in trying to unclog it with his foot he bad his foot so badly mangled that it was necessary to amputate it.

nished by Ensley is enormous growing larger month. WM. H. BURKLEY, Mr. L.

T. ROGERS, Clerk Snow at Jacksonville. Jacksonville, Ala Alnut 1 HI o'clock Thursday afternoon the the--mometor at this place suddenly fell Wetumpka Progress. Wetumpka, Ala. The city of Wetumpka will soon commence the construction of the electric light plant and water works.

The contract for the Between Gov. and Conti. on Water one Block From Union Depot, Mobile, Alabama. Still in Critical Condition. Anniston.

Ala. Barclay Muncher, who was badly hurt by falling a high tank at Jacksonville, still In a I critical condition, but the-e has been a slight improvement. At times he has been conscious. The cnances of recovery are against him. Mr.

Mun- cher lives in Chattanooga and is a from r5 degrees to 45 degrees and the light plant has been awarded, and the Jacksonville populace was surprised by lion piping for the water mains pur- fan arpe ot Bmnv acc0ni chased. When completed Wetumpki an)Pd hy a rain. will have a first-class lighting plant! immediately after the snow fell the and efficient water works Willi a nat temperature rofp, the sun shone, and the weather Is now normal. painter by trade. He wii painting when' he fell a istance of ninety-six feet.

ural pressure of eighty-five or ninety pounds to the square inch. "KENTUCKY WHISKEY HOUSE" DEMOPOLIS, ALA. NATHAN LEVY, MANAGER. WHSKIES, WINES CIGARS Mining Company Incorporated. Tuscaloosa, Ala The Tuscaloosa Mining Company, of Oakman, has filed a notice of Its Incorporation, with a crpital stork of tin.noi).

The incorporators are J. Hooper, G. B. Hooper and Belle H. Collier.

Boy for Assault. Charlotte, N. Waller Partrldg" a negro boy 20 years of age, was hanged at Fayetteville, N. C. for i criminal assault upon Mrs.

I.lllie I. Kales, a white woman. Fatally Crushed by Cars. Birmingham, Ala. Charles Grayson, colored, while coupling cars on the Uiuisvllle and Nashville Railroad In the yards here was crushed so badly that death foilov cd an hour Liter.

W. E. MICHAEL, Brick Livery, Sales and Feed Stables. Sole agent for the celebrated, Barnsville Buggies, White Hickory Wagons and other" standard makes Horses and Mules always on hand for sale Large stock of Harness, Saddlery, Whips and Horse-Furnishings. Special attention (lien to traveling men.

Demopolis, Alabama, T. H. WILDMAN. DESIONER AND BUILDER OP FINE MEMORIALS la all the Standard Marbles and Granites. Tuaoaleosa, Two Women Hurt.

i Birmingham. Ala. The rear portion I of the walls of the two-story building occupied by S. Hall as a general mer-' chandlse establishment on Second ave-i tie, east of Twenty-first street, fell In without warning. Women occuplet tl.f- upper part of the bulldii.g, and lwo of thr-m.

Viola Burtlell and Llllle KUPPERSMITH, Power Company Incorporated. Military Inspected. Montgomery. Ala. The Tallapoosa! nirmlngbnm.

Birmingham Water Power and Electrical Company, I companies of the Third regl-ot Montgomery, has fllej with the tec- Alabama National Guard, havi retary of state a notice cf Its Incorpo- inspected by Captain Goodfellow, ration, with a capital Mock of Smn.nnn. United Stntes nrmy. and Adju The Incorporators are Fredorick Ans-1 tant General W. W. Brandon.

The feld, R. A. Chapman and Mrs. nul(0 a pl))( showing. Tl-Parker.

Tho purpose of the company uilery company wan also Insperte I. Is to build diims on tbfl Tallapoosi The cavalry company will bo Insped- Arnold, were painfully They Dealer In and Shipper of Fish, Oysters and Produce. nvpr. nrt wr.ty, convoy nn I vj tomorrow niln, uilb the Infantry re carried to hospital, Tne build- tipply electricity to any city, factory. company cf the Second regiment lo int, was one of oldeBt on Second avenue.

or atreet railway. rrted hare. Water and St. Miriiaol Saloon License Raited. New Decatur.

Ala. Tho mayor and city council cf New Decatur hao raised the saloon licence of this city from 1800 to $1,000 a year. Increase, Capital Stock. N. J.

The Standard Screw Company has Qlcj certificate in the cfflco of the secretary of state In--neaping Its capital stock from to l4.G00.fMl0. Albort V. Clifford is president and George Thrall aecro-tury of the company. Ball PhoM IMS 4 Cullman, Ala. There was much distress among tho fruit and truck growers of this county owing to the appearance of a killing frost, and of the Ice In many places.

About dusk Thursday the wind and rain ceased, lhe sky cleared up and "Old Jack seized tho opportunity of dealing the early strawberries and vegetables a hruvy blow. The loss by the killing ol tho early strawberries Is closely climated by men who have made the handling of this luscious fruit a spo-t'aliy for many years at butween $0,000 and 7 1th work dlxMt turn Um ktM mU mr tffats' Mm m4 middlamsn's profits. WHU for Aign uJ priaa Li. AlMffl, Deputy Held Under Bond. Tuscaloosa, Ala.

Lather Rayburn.a (Hputy sheriff, who shot and killed a negro, Gun Garrett, while raiding a regro crap game at Holt, bad his pre llmlnary trial before Juatlce J. W. Car-worn, and was bound over lu Sl.OuO hord for PeaboJy College. Nashville, Tenn. The house has passrd the bill appropriating the Pcahody collejo for teachers hero.

The bill now ruqulres the gov-rtnor'i signature to beronie a law. To Cure a Cold In One Day Dromo Qxiinho js A Two Days. ca every Tcie Laxative ivc 3vm MSoa Umm soM In at 13 TtU tsxtcra,.

The Sumter County Sun from Livingston, Alabama (2024)


What is the history of Sumter County Alabama? ›

Sumter County was created in 1832. Long before this, its land had been traversed by European settlers, such as the Spanish, French, and English. One of these nationalities, the French, was so interested in its location that they erected a fort on the Tombigbee River, Fort Tombeckbee, in 1735.

What are some fun facts about Livingston Alabama? ›

Established in 1835, it was named after Edward Livingston, a prominent statesman. Livingston was once Choctaw Indian land until the Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek in 1830, after which settlers from various states formed the initial community.

What was the first black town in Alabama? ›

Hobson City is a town in Calhoun County, Alabama, United States. At the 2020 census, the population was 759. It is included in the Anniston-Oxford Metropolitan Statistical Area. Hobson City became Alabama's first self-governed all-black municipality in 1899 and continues to have an African American majority.

What is Sumter County known for? ›

We're proud of the growth of our industrial and manufacturing base – and the high-paying jobs they bring – but we're also well known for our agricultural heritage and as the home of Shaw Air Force Base.

How old is Sumter County? ›

Sumter county was established in 1785 (though it did not take its present boundaries until 1902) with the town of Sumter as the seat. Agriculture and manufacturing (food, textiles, furniture, and fabricated metal products) are the mainstays of the economy.

Why is Sumter called Merk city? ›

Murk City is an American rapper from Sumter, South Carolina. The city of Sumter, SC where he grew up in over the years became more violent, earning the name “Merk City/Murk City” being that South Carolina is the 5th most violent state in the U.S. with Sumter being one of the most violent cities in that state.

What is Sumter named after? ›

The city and county of Sumter bear the name of General Thomas Sumter, the "Fighting Gameco*ck" of the American Revolutionary War.

What was Alabama first county? ›

Washington County Courthouse Washington County was created on June 4, 1800, as a county of the Mississippi Territory by proclamation of Gov. Winthrop Sargent. It was the first county in the state of Alabama, and the county's original boundaries extended 300 miles east to west and 88 miles to the north and south.

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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.